WHO IS MADRID and why are you here and what could be the point of this site and why does it cost nearly 40 dollars a month to maintain and why is the domain administration process so confusing and weird and why does the world partake in daylight savings and indulge in the blight of delusion and hubris that suggests we as humans have control over time itself can we finally figure out the truth somehow i hope so im asking nicely im saying please.
WHO IS MADRID and why are you here and what could be the point of this site and why does it cost nearly 40 dollars a month to maintain and why is the domain administration process so confusing and weird and why does the world partake in daylight savings and indulge in the blight of delusion and hubris that suggests we as humans have control over time itself can we finally figure out the truth somehow i hope so im asking nicely im saying please.
“I dont want to rely too much on just writing catchy blurbs that somehow explain what it is I do, but for now i’ll just put what I’m thinking as quotes and maybe it will transmit my vibe better than having some ai chatbot purple prose vomit all over my existence.”
artist content creator
:: professional chaos conductor and celebrity, advisor ::
“sadly, I made this on squarespace but i’m building character through my online experiences and living in new york city”
- madrid